About Me

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i am a girl who you never be , 17 yowwww . ipoh perak

Just try :)

It's kindda bored here , my mum and nelly went to teluk intan . just me bibik and adik je yang stay kat rumahh . ayah biasa lah workinggg -.- so , nak memenuhi waktu yang terbiar ni i selongkar lah segala benda yg ada kat lappie nii . ada jumpa banyak gilaaaa gamba XD Tiba tiba muncul idea nak edit edit niiii . wehuuuuuu for the first time i edit edit gamba nih . wanna look ? here we goooooooo ^.^

All these picture is about my family 

Ayah and mak , Even they already have 4 children , i guess they are the best COUPLE evaaaaa , i'm quiet jealous sometimess ^.^ i hope one day i'll be like them . Amin cepat ! Aminnnnnnnn . haha gataiii . Btw time ni dekat Jakarta's airport

Meet my brother and sisters , they totally funn . alaaaaah , tipu lah kalau kitaorang tak pernah gaduh ann ann ? Air yang dicincang tidak akan putus gituu . btw ni dekat Taman Polo Ipoh . we were playing the kites on that time !

Here you are , Nasrif Sharqil ! location Phuket Thailand

Sape yang muka obvious excited sangat tu -.- tak kenal tak kenal . tudiaaa , my dad Dato' Tun . why Dato' ? bukan sebab pangkat okay :p cos he always give me money , eiiii sayang Dato' Tun , hewhew location Hatyai Thailand

This's Nelly , 14 . but she looks more older than me right ? ini keranaaaaa , err taktau lahh . sebab saya comel kot kott . kay perasaaaaaan -.- location Phuket thailand

Kay , ini Nadira .10 , diaa sangaaaat nakal . itu caption yang sangat sesuai . location in a plane on our way back to Malaysiaa

Three of us , location Bandung , Indonesia

This is Bibik , she had being 4 years with my family . Lamaa kan ? so she is a part of my family nowwwww . Labieuuu bibik :)

Kayy , conclusion + hypothesis Ilovemyfamily

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